Believers in parts of Southeast Asia suffer intense persecution and many still do not have a Bible in their language. Equip them with a BTAK to launch translation now!

Shine the Light of God's Word!

Believers living in parts of Southeast Asia suffer intense persecution in various forms—even exclusion from the internet. In some areas, rugged terrain makes access impossible; electricity may be intermittent or non-existent.

A Bible Translation Acceleration Kit, or BTAK, connects by satellite to churches—even in inaccessible areas with poor infrastructure. This means Christians in even the most difficult places can begin training and Bible translation.

To equip a national Bible translator with a BTAK is $2,500 and includes a huge array of tools:

  • Access to a complete digital library of Bible translation resources
  • Online collaboration with other Bible translators for accurate, efficient work
  • Immediate upload and storage of translation work, avoiding confiscation by hostile authorities or destruction of handwritten documents by the elements
  • Connection with fellow Christians for encouragement, prayer, and worship

Twelve language groups are hoping and praying for a BTAK now, so the total need is $30,000.

Each one of these language groups needs God’s Word in their own heart language. Please help them by making a gift right now to provide the BTAKs needed to begin their Bible translation project and bring Scripture to life where it has never existed before!

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Wycliffe Associates retains control and discretion over all funds donated to it, but it seeks to use contributions raised for a particular project in furtherance of the project. If Wycliffe Associates receives more funds than are needed to complete a project or it cannot be completed due to forces beyond our control, Wycliffe Associates will use the funds where most needed to fulfill its mission of accelerating Bible translation.

Contact Us

11450 Translation Way P.O. Box 620143 Orlando, FL 32862

Phone: 1-800-THE WORD

Email: [email protected]