Left in a corner, for a lifetime . . .
How God’s Word Brings New Life

What happens to a person who is born Deaf, Blind, or both? In many parts of the world, there are no special schools, no resources or programs—so from childhood, he or she is put away, set aside. The family may assume nothing can be done, so the child is raised in a void. No education. Utterly isolated.

And, for many Deaf and Blind children and adults, the truth of God’s Word is completely unknown. In fact, the single biggest unreached people group in the entire world is the more than 50 million souls who are the Deaf and Blind.

But God has opened a miraculous door so that Deaf and Blind people can actually read the Scriptures! Wycliffe Associates has developed a revolutionary new “language” called SUN—Symbolic Universal Notation. It’s a set of 3D symbols, raised on the page like Braille, and read by touch . . . by anyone in any language group on Earth!

We’ve witnessed the incredible miracle of children and adults—Deaf and Blind from childhood—reading John 3:16 for the first time. Their faces light up with joy! They’re learning that there is a God who has always known and loved them!

Your gift is needed now to raise $80,000 that will train children and adults in SUN in 8 people groups so they too can experience God’s Word for the first time. Your support today will help provide the necessary books and teaching materials, equip and send trainers, and arrange for facilities where SUN workshops can bring the light and life of God’s truth to 8 language groups in countries where the Deaf and Blind need the Gospel.

Thank you for giving generously now to share God’s Word through this life-transforming new language with Deaf and Blind people the world over.

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Wycliffe Associates retains control and discretion over all funds donated to it, but it seeks to use contributions raised for a particular project in furtherance of the project. If Wycliffe Associates receives more funds than are needed to complete a project or it cannot be completed due to forces beyond our control, Wycliffe Associates will use the funds where most needed to fulfill its mission of accelerating Bible translation.

Contact Us

11450 Translation Way P.O. Box 620143 Orlando, FL 32862

Phone: 1-800-THE WORD

Email: [email protected]