You can provide New Testaments to believers in crisis! Give now.
Believers in Africa Need God’s Word!

Our brothers and sisters in Africa are suffering. Natural disasters and extreme persecution are taking lives and pushing people into despair.

Your gift is needed to provide the comfort and strength that can only come from God’s Word.

In some areas of Africa, national Bible translators have actually finished translating the Scriptures into the heart language of their people. In other areas, translation teams are close to finishing . . .

But they all need printed copies of Scripture to read, study, memorize, and share . . . especially now, amid so much disaster and violence. In fact, the need for God’s Word is more pressing than ever!

Thank you for praying and giving to provide the New Testaments our hurting brothers and sisters are praying for!

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Wycliffe Associates retains control and discretion over all funds donated to it, but it seeks to use contributions raised for a particular project in furtherance of the project. If Wycliffe Associates receives more funds than are needed to complete a project or it cannot be completed due to forces beyond our control, Wycliffe Associates will use the funds where most needed to fulfill its mission of accelerating Bible translation.

Contact Us

11450 Translation Way P.O. Box 620143 Orlando, FL 32862

Phone: 1-800-THE WORD

Email: [email protected]