470 Bible translators need the tools to translate God’s Word for their people—a computer tablet helps them translate quickly and safely and costs from $300. Donate Now.

National Bible Translators Need Tablets

Right now there are 843 language groups ready to start translation projects. These language groups have spent generations waiting and longing to have God’s Word in their language, in their lifetime. 

Now, through our proven MAST strategy (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation), they’ve caught a glimpse of hope. They know that with support and translation tools like computer tablets, they can translate God’s Word for themselves!

In just the first two months of 2020, these national Bible translators will need 470 computer tablets to start their Bible translations.

A tablet is only $300, but to provide all 470 tablets, we will need $141,000.

And there is good news! Friends of Bible translation have pooled their resources to offer a $70,000 Challenge fund—which will combine with your gift to dramatically accelerate Bible translation for language groups who’ve been waiting for GENERATIONS to fully experience God’s Word!

When you give a gift today, your gift combined with the $70,000 Challenge fund will go further. And millions more men and women will be impacted by the truth of God’s Word.

Help put translation tools into the hands of faithful national Bible translators!


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Wycliffe Associates retains control and discretion over all funds donated to it, but it seeks to use contributions raised for a particular project in furtherance of the project. If Wycliffe Associates receives more funds than are needed to complete a project or it cannot be completed due to forces beyond our control, Wycliffe Associates will use the funds where most needed to fulfill its mission of accelerating Bible translation.

Contact Us

11450 Translation Way P.O. Box 620143 Orlando, FL 32862

Phone: 1-800-THE WORD

Email: [email protected]