Nigeria is no ordinary place.

For generations, tribal conflicts and unrest have poisoned almost any hope of families living peacefully. Neighbors were slaughtering neighbors. Schoolchildren were kidnapped. It’s been a chaotic nightmare of seemingly unstoppable violence.

Many people groups have refused even to speak to one another for years.

So we must go to Nigeria—to share God’s Word . . . because God’s Word brings PEACE. 

Miracles in Nigeria

Despite the challenges, we are witnessing a fantastic, almost unbelievable miracle of reconciliation in Nigeria . . . of redemption . . . of restoration, hope, joy . . . and we pray, peace.

It started when a group of Nigerian pastors, representing hundreds of different language groups, learned about the amazing MAST strategy (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) and saw that, with MAST and special Bible translation technology, other language groups around them were translating Scripture for themselves.

Once they learned it was possible for them to translate God’s Word for their own people, they began pleading with us for the tools, the technology, the training, so they can start translating the Scriptures. “This will enable us to begin immediately!” they cried.

For $19,500, we can provide all the tools, training, and technology for a language group to start translating God’s Word. And we have seen tribal conflicts end when people have God’s Word in their own language!

Right now, 250 Nigerian language groups need God’s Word. They will do the work—they just need the tools!

Life-Changing Opportunity

With your help today, these Nigerian pastors can end years of waiting for God’s Word to arrive in the language of their hearts. Will you give to help provide the tools and training for these translators to begin?

This is the gift of peace you can give today as you help launch national Bible translation in more languages in Nigeria. To unleash God’s Word in translated Scriptures will bring a spiritual REVOLUTION. And you can help make it happen . . .

The Nigerian people are desperate to end the slaughter, desperate to finally know peace. We know that the hatred and violence can only end—peace can only come—when God’s Word is known and understood, in the language of people’s hearts.

Please give as generously as you can.

Wycliffe Associates retains control and discretion over all funds donated to it, but it seeks to use contributions raised for a particular project in furtherance of the project. If Wycliffe Associates receives more funds than are needed to complete a project or it cannot be completed due to forces beyond our control, Wycliffe Associates will use the funds where most needed to fulfill its mission of accelerating Bible translation.

Contact Us

11450 Translation Way P.O. Box 620143 Orlando, FL 32862

Phone: 1-800-THE WORD

Email: [email protected]